Breast Differential Augmentation


37yr old mother with different size breasts corrected using low profile conical implants 295cc on the left and 350 cc on the right


lease note that revision breast augmentation surgery is often not easy as there are a number of factors to
consider including:

1. The previous anatomical factors as mentioned above for primary augmentation.
2. Placement of implant i.e. above or below the muscle
3. The implant capsule – scarring that occurs around the implant
4. Type of implant
5. Changes of the breast tissue since previous augmentation i.e. thinning of the breast tissue and or drop of the breast tissue off the implant.
6. Trying to compromise by using bigger volumes and not having an Uplift, may result in a visible implant (to touch and feel), increased risks of rippling and further surgery such as an uplift.

Please note that aiming for perfection in a breast augmentation is not realistic as the biggest determinant of your outcome is what your breast looked like prior to surgery. A surgeon can use the same implant in different patients with very different results.